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Writing a Content-First Website That Your Target Audiences Will Love

Writing content-first websites will save you many headaches, especially when it comes to time and resources. Letting design take precedence is inefficient and can cost more money than letting content drive the process. Developing a website without a content-first approach is like buying materials to build a house without a

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Printing blocks spell "Adventure" image on web copy blunder: beware of J Peterman Syndrome

Web Copy Blunder: ‘J. Peterman’ Syndrome

Does writing web copy sometimes remind you of those “choose your own adventure” books from your childhood? In these books, you could turn to page “x” if you wanted the protagonist to go down the staircase into the dark and foreboding basement. Alternatively, you could turn to page “y” if

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Slow down sign in traffic image for Content Marketing Efforts To Fast?

Are Your Content Marketing Efforts Moving Too Fast?

We all want to go full speed ahead to meet our marketing and sales goals. But sometimes, we need to slow down and reexamine our content marketing efforts. We need to see whether we’re heading in the right direction. Are you:  Taking time to reevaluate your strategy? Reaching your target

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Image of coffee splattering out of a cup - Fool me once – shame I won’t be visiting your website again

Fool Me Once – I Won’t Be Visiting Your Website Again

April Fools’ Day is this Friday. This is perhaps the only date on the calendar when benign cruelty is celebrated, apart from Black Friday. One of the most effective April Fools’ jokes my daughters played on me preyed on my pre-first-cup-of-coffee state. I stumbled into the kitchen, making a beeline

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Questions Marks on a neutral backdrop content marketing tips

These 4 Questions Can Make or Break Your Content

When a client gives you the green light to create content, it can be tempting to jump in and start writing instantly. To shield yourself from stress and scope creep, nail down answers to four key questions. These questions are critical. You don’t want to start drafting if you don’t have

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Sunflower image as featured image for blogs for tips for technical writing

8 Tips to Make Your Technical Writing Shine

You don’t need a Ph.D. to conquer technical writing. You also don’t need to know everything about your topic. The goal is to make complicated information accessible and clear. Before we explore how to do that, let’s cover a few basics. What is technical writing? Technical writing includes: White papers

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What’s the Difference Between Copywriting and Content Marketing?

Business owners, executives and marketing directors know that quality writing helps drive marketing efforts. Many of them don’t know, however, that marketing writing comes in two forms: copywriting and content marketing. These writing forms are not the same. They cross paths frequently, but the goals for each are different. Before

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Symbol for Content Marketing for Beginners: Image of many white kites and one red kite breaking free

The Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing

Content marketing for beginners is hard. Consistently publishing valuable, relevant and high-quality content takes effort and teamwork. Why? You must find the perfect managing editor who is equal parts project manager and keeper of your brand’s voice. You must also scale a team of writers, designers and video editors to

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5 white eggs: image on 5 Questions for Content Marketers

5 Questions Every Content Marketer Must Answer

Questions for content marketers have changed. Back in the day, marketers focused completely on inbound marketing. They invested their marketing dollars into developing engaging content. They waited for potential clients to discover said content and hire them. Seems too easy, right?  Reality check: “Build it and they will come” doesn’t

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