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This image represents how B2B trade show participation is making a comeback for 2024.

In-Person B2B Trade Shows Rebuild Momentum

If you’re planning to attend a B2B trade show this year, you’ll likely have a lot of company. The industry is coming back after pandemic shutdowns and lackluster attendance, data shows. In-person business-to-business (B2B) shows in the U.S. are recovering from their pre-pandemic levels as exhibitors and attendees are eager

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Colored pencils represent sharpening up your grammar, punctuation and style prowess.

Sharpen Your Grammar, Style and Punctuation with These Resources

If you create business or marketing communications regularly, you’re probably a decent writer. But even great writers use grammar, style and punctuation guides. If your skills aren’t where they need to be, these references can help you improve your writing. If you’re thinking about leaning on GPT,, Grammarly or

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Letter tiles that spell email represent the resurgence of B2B email marketing.

B2B Email Marketing Trends and Tactics for 2024

Business-to-business (B2B) email marketing is experiencing a renaissance, thanks to new technologies and tools. Increased demand for authentic and personalized interactions among buyers is another contributing factor. If you’re treating email marketing like you did 10 years ago, it’s time for a reboot. Email is a core digital marketing format

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A microphone represents amplifying your brand with customer testimonials in B2B marketing.

Customer Testimonials Are Marketing Rocket Fuel

In B2B marketing, customer testimonials are vital for winning business. Prospects need proof that real customers achieved results from your products and services. In other words, they want to make sure you’re worth it. But here’s the thing: Just because you have testimonials, doesn’t mean you should use them. The

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Male hand holding a camera lens representing looking towards B2B digital marketing trends for 2024

5 B2B Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

From voice search optimization to content marketing diversification, digital marketers can look forward to new technologies and opportunities in 2024. Here are five B2B digital marketing trends that will reshape content marketing in 2024 and beyond. 1. Voice search optimization B2B decision-makers are always on the go. The way they

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Logos from the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) and The Simons Group represent The Simons Group's membership in the CAI to promote authentic storytelling.

The Simons Group Joins the Content Authenticity Initiative

The Simons Group is now a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), an association that seeks to develop standards and technologies for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital media. The group includes media and tech companies, nongovernmental associations, academics, technologists and journalists, who want trust and transparency at

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This soaring eagle represents how B2B marketing budgets are increasing and giving CMOs more spending power.

Research Alert: B2B Marketing Budgets Surge

B2B marketing budgets are on the rise worldwide. The trend is expected to increase in the coming years, new research reveals. Business-to-business (B2B) marketers are largely optimistic about the future, according to a recent LinkedIn/Ipsos report. “The B2B Marketing Benchmark” surveyed 1,954 B2B leaders in eight countries, including the United

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An image of a human eye represents how AI can help writers.

7 Quick AI Tips for Seasoned Writers

That got concerning for a bit there, didn’t it? When ChatGPT burst onto the scene in early 2023, it felt like it was trying to take us down as writers. Suddenly, anyone could create generally presentable marketing content – instantly. Fortunately, it looks like generative artificial intelligence (AI) will be

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