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A racetrack with 7 places represents the top 7 metrics for meeting your content marketing goals.

The Top 7 Content Marketing Goals to Track

It’s crucial to develop a consistent cadence for tracking your content marketing goals. This sets your team up to make smart content marketing decisions. Tracking will help you: Understand your current and prospective customers’ habits Foster relationships with your target audience Run informed content marketing campaigns Fine-tune your content marketing

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A compass represents staying the course on the content marketing road map.

The B2B Content Marketing Road Map Has Changed. Are You Lost?

What’s a business-to-business (B2B) content marketing road map look like these days? Overall, it’s not much different than it was 10 or even five years ago. But if you look closer, you’ll see subtle changes. The focus is on quality more than ever before. Churn and burn doesn’t win customers.

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This yin yang symbol represents content marketing versus SEO working together for website traffic.

Content Marketing Versus SEO. Which Drives More Traffic?

If you were betting on content marketing versus search engine optimization (SEO) winning the race for website traffic, which would one would you pick? You might ask yourself which one drives more traffic.  Or you could think I’m asking you a trick question. Content marketing and SEO work hand in

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Symbol for hyperbole: Image of an owl's wise eyes telling you not to use hyperbolic puffery.

The Most Important Blog Post You’ll Ever Read

I want to discuss the most important subject to arise in the history of Western society. Naturally, I know of what I speak. I’m the foremost and most highly trained expert on the issue. I have knowledge and insights unmatched by anyone on the globe. Don’t fail to heed my

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Binoculars represent finding subject experts for content marketing interviews

Content Marketing Interviews: 14 Ways to Find Expert Sources

Having trouble finding subject experts for your content marketing interviews? It can be challenging if you don’t know where to start. Interviews require time and resources, but the effort is worth it. It will help you create valuable content that your audience will benefit from and share.  By interviewing experts,

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Woman at computer thinking about answers to 5 B2B marketing questions

B2B Marketing: 5 Questions That Drive Strategy

For a long time, B2B (business-to-business) marketing was all about inbound. The goal was to attract customers with valuable, tailored content. Companies put marketing dollars into developing engaging material. The content showed the companies’ offerings without pushing sales. The goal was to create brand awareness and attract new business. They

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Top content marketing interview with man and woman

How to Interview Experts for Top Content Marketing

Interviewing subject experts for top content marketing isn’t scary – if you’re prepared. If you don’t set yourself up for success, well … No one wants to see that happen. That’s why you need to lay the groundwork before you contact anyone. Interviewing: Why would I do that for content

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Brand marketing case studies

The Why and How of Customer Case Studies

Why are customer case studies so important? Customer case studies prove your company delivers results. You can tell prospects that your company “meets and exceeds expectations. Doing that, however, isn’t as credible as real customers sharing real successes. Unfortunately, case studies often promote what businesses do. Instead, they should focus

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