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This soaring eagle represents how B2B marketing budgets are increasing and giving CMOs more spending power.

Research Alert: B2B Marketing Budgets Surge

B2B marketing budgets are on the rise worldwide. The trend is expected to increase in the coming years, new research reveals. Business-to-business (B2B) marketers are largely optimistic about the future, according to a recent LinkedIn/Ipsos report. “The B2B Marketing Benchmark” surveyed 1,954 B2B leaders in eight countries, including the United

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An image of a human eye represents how AI can help writers.

7 Quick AI Tips for Seasoned Writers

That got concerning for a bit there, didn’t it? When ChatGPT burst onto the scene in early 2023, it felt like it was trying to take us down as writers. Suddenly, anyone could create generally presentable marketing content – instantly. Fortunately, it looks like generative artificial intelligence (AI) will be

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A woman sharing good news represents how customer advocates can help boost your sales through word-of-mouth.

Customer Advocates Ignite Your Brand’s Success

If your brand wants an unbeatable advantage that will boost your sales, marketing and customer experience, build a strong customer advocacy program. Every brand – no matter how big or small – will benefit from having advocates. What is customer advocacy? Customer advocacy is about building authentic, strong relationships with

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An empty page represents being out of content marketing inspiration.

What to Do When You Need Content Marketing Inspiration

When you’re out of content marketing inspiration and the well is dry, it’s a struggle to get out of that rut. You might explore topic ideas only to find that other creators have covered them. That happened to me recently. My next move was to tap ChatGPT and Unfortunately,

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Chess pieces represent how content marketing crushes cold calling.

How B2B Content Marketing Crushes Cold Calling

Business-to-business (B2B) content marketing crushes cold calling when it’s done well. I emphasize that point because crappy content marketing won’t get you anywhere. True cold calling probably won’t either, because it’s not based on problem-solving. It’s a fishing expedition to sell products and services. When I started working in corporate

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A typewriter page illustrates how content marketing writers need key information for their assignments.

Help Your Content Marketing Writers Succeed

The internet is full of advice about how to win at content marketing. Whether you want to create a strategy, plan and build out content or stand out from your competitors, you’ll find plenty of guides, how-tos and tips. Want to know what’s missing? No one explains how to set

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Who Do You Think You’re Talking To?

Before I followed my passion and made content marketing my career, I took time off after college. I had to get my head together and mature a bit. Many of my friends did the same. Their activities included backpacking in Asia and working on a fishing boat in Alaska. In

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Marketers: Don’t Fear ChatGPT (Yet)

The marketing world has been abuzz about ChatGPT for a hot minute. And content marketers feel threatened. But is ChatGPT going to replace us? Here’s my take: Don’t worry – yet. Read on to learn why. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to answer

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Balance Readability and Complexity in Marketing Content

In George Orwell’s “1984,” the Party had several ways of ensuring conformity. The Party limited independent thinking and banished forbidden thoughts and actions. Deleted images and stories landed in the “memory hole.” And of course, Big Brother was watching you. But “Newspeak” was the central initiative through which these original

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