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A less is more card represents cutting fluff from your B2B content.

Cut the Fluff: A Guide to Concise B2B Writing

Wordy content can drag down your B2B marketing efforts. Readers crave simplicity and clarity. Why make them sift through extra words to find your message? Learn how to refine your content, cutting the fluff and delivering sharp, engaging copy. Trim the fat from your B2B marketing content You might think

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Doors represent the many options available for finding subject experts to interview.

Looking for Experts to Interview? Try These 21 Sources

Interviewing experts adds depth and authority to your B2B marketing content by offering fresh ideas and insider knowledge. Whether you need insights from experienced leaders or specialists, finding the right sources is key to creating strong content. By interviewing experts, you’ll be able to: Provide authoritative insights and credible information

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A graphic of smiling, neutral and frowning faces represents customer testimonials in B2B marketing.

Customer Testimonials Are Marketing Rocket Fuel

In B2B marketing, customer testimonials are vital for winning business. Prospects need proof that real customers achieved results from your products and services. In other words, they want to make sure you’re worth it. But here’s the thing: Just because you have testimonials, doesn’t mean you should use them. The

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A row of stars represents the importance of customer feedback and managing your B2B brand's reputation.

Ignoring Customer Feedback Can Sink Your Brand’s Reputation

B2B buyers want to see customer feedback about your brand before they invest in your products and services. Reviews help them make informed decisions before they commit. B2B purchases can involve large financial commitments. Thus, it stands to reason buyers conduct independent research. They want to know if your solutions

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A pedestrian stop signal on a traffic light represents the B2B content killers that can prevent engagement.

Do You Know What’s Killing Your B2B Content?

When it comes to B2B content, we’ve all been there. You wrote what you thought was your best blog post or case study. Maybe you put the finishing touches on your new website. You were proud of your work. And then someone dumped all over it. The red sea of

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Power Up Your B2B Content With Trustworthy Stats

Including statistics in your B2B content can help convince buyers that your brand is a trustworthy source for information. It shows that your business is committed to providing accurate and reliable content. But it’s only effective if you use statistics responsibly. By using statistics responsibly, you’ll: Build buyer trust Enhance

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A fishing pole represents the challenge of fishing for strong headlines.

Hook Them In: How to Create Powerful B2B Headlines

Powerful B2B headlines entice readers to engage with your content. Whether you’re creating content for your website, customer advocacy programs, videos, case studies or social media channels, solid titles pull your audience in. The problem is they’re not easy to write. And with so much B2B marketing content available online,

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An image of a smiling woman represents the good impression that B2B case studies can make on buyers.

Proven Approaches for B2B Case Studies (With Examples)

B2B case studies are among the most valuable forms of marketing for buyers. When researching prospective purchases, they want to know what problems your business solved for other customers and the positive results. Case studies show them that they can achieve similar outcomes. Trust is key in B2B buyers’ decision-making.

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A skylight represents having a view into marketing success by measuring KPIs and ROI.

KPIs and ROI: A Marketer’s Guide to Measurement

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and return on investment (ROI) metrics empower B2B marketers to show the value of their efforts. They also help them make informed decisions about marketing spend. In this post, I’ll explain what KPIs and ROIs are, how they work and how to use them.  What are

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