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2023 drawn in the sand represents 2023 digital marketing trends.

5 B2B Digital Marketing Trends for 2023

B2B digital marketing trends will shift in 2023. Brands that keep up will thrive next year and beyond.So, which trends will be the drivers of change for digital marketing in 2023? Let’s take a look at my top five B2B digital marketing trends… 1. Digital-first experiences will (still) rule B2B

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Social media icons reflect brand marketing tips

Social Media Brand Marketing Tips for Executives

One of the best brand marketing tips for executives is to be active on social media. It’s among the most powerful marketing tools. And yet, many executives don’t take the time. Set it and forget it, right? Social media can help you expand your network, increase referrals and attract business.

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Woman at computer thinking about answers to 5 B2B marketing questions

B2B Marketing: 5 Questions That Drive Strategy

For a long time, B2B (business-to-business) marketing was all about inbound. The goal was to attract customers with valuable, tailored content. Companies put marketing dollars into developing engaging material. The content showed the companies’ offerings without pushing sales. The goal was to create brand awareness and attract new business. They

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Manufacturing Brand Marketing Mistakes

Industrial manufacturers might not have the advertising allure of consumer brands. But they still need a manufacturing brand marketing strategy to compete for customers. Most manufacturing leaders understand the importance of marketing. On the other hand, some industry giants face mistakes and misconceptions. As a result, their manufacturing brand marketing

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To Accomplish More, Lead With Kindness

Growing up, the only business role model I had was my dad. He was charismatic (when he needed to be). He was wildly successful. The problem was that he ruled his company with an iron fist. He led with fear, and people in his wake were often left shaking in

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WE on burgundy wall: image on 3 website content mistakes you’re (probably) making

3 Website Content Mistakes You’re (Probably) Making

Here’s a quick test: Go to your homepage and read the first sentence or phrase of your website content. Does it start with “We”? If so, it’s time to change your website’s perspective. Still not convinced? OK, go back to the quiz. Q: Do your eyes glaze over when your

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Slow down sign in traffic image for Content Marketing Efforts To Fast?

Are Your Content Marketing Efforts Moving Too Fast?

We all want to go full speed ahead to meet our marketing and sales goals. But sometimes, we need to slow down and reexamine our content marketing efforts. We need to see whether we’re heading in the right direction. Are you:  Taking time to reevaluate your strategy? Reaching your target

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