5 B2B Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

5 B2B Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

Male hand holding a camera lens representing looking towards B2B digital marketing trends for 2024

From voice search optimization to content marketing diversification, digital marketers can look forward to new technologies and opportunities in 2024. Here are five B2B digital marketing trends that will reshape content marketing in 2024 and beyond.

1. Voice search optimization

B2B decision-makers are always on the go. The way they search for information is evolving. When they need to be hands-free, they ask Siri and Alexa questions to get search results. In the past, they relied on keyboards to type in efficient search queries. Now, they have voice search that helps them find what they’re looking for without using keyboards. Moreover, voice search users don’t ask questions in a couple of words. They speak to their voice-enabled devices in full sentences.

Keywords and key phrases will remain a crucial element of search engine optimization (SEO). Voice search highlights the importance of complete key phrases. Search queries made through voice search are longer than typical keyed-in searches. In addition to being longer than searches entered manually, voice queries are more conversational.

This shift can be challenging. Most B2B marketers have built their SEO strategies around traditional keyboard searches. But smart B2B content marketers are treating long-tail voice search as an opportunity to understand and adapt to this new way of search optimization. Consider a B2B marketer who’s looking for 2024 content marketing trends. A traditional text search may read like this:

“B2B digital marketing trends for 2024.”

In contrast, a voice searcher will ask a detailed question like this:

“What will be the top B2B digital marketing trends in 2024?”

The difference between the two is profound. Voice search requires key phrases that reflect the way people speak. But optimizing for voice search isn’t only about targeting key phrases. It’s also about understanding user intent and applying it in your content to answer voice search questions.

2. Interactive content

Interactive content encourages involvement and creates an immersive experience. As a result, it makes messaging more memorable than static content. Interactive content will continue to gain traction and inspire engagement. When it’s well-executed, it helps B2B marketers collect data about their users’ behaviors and preferences. Marketers can then use that information to address customers’ pain points in their content marketing to increase engagement and conversion rates.

Interactive content examples include:

  • Scrollytelling. Scrollytelling is just what it sounds like. A combination of scrolling and storytelling, it’s a dynamic way to tell long-form stories as a user scrolls a web page. These are great for linear stories, storytelling, brand journalism and much more.
  • Surveys. B2B marketers can use surveys to collect important feedback and understand how customers see their brands. Consequently, customers’ responses can provide deep insights into their mindsets.
  • Quizzes and polls. These are fun ways to engage with B2B audiences. Marketers can ask questions about their industries or their products and services. In turn, customers’ answers can provide valuable insights that marketers can then use to fine-tune their content marketing.
  • Webinars and livestreams. Audiences crave education. They want to learn and will turn to brands that help them. As a result, B2B marketers who share their expertise will foster engagement and build trust.

3. Accessibility

Most websites are developed for “typical” users. Unfortunately, people who have permanent or short-term and situational disabilities are often ignored. Disabilities change how users interact with websites. Disabilities include those that are:

  • Permanent. Epileptic- and seizure-prone users must minimize their seizure risks by removing flashing, blinking animation, and unsafe color combinations.
  • Situational and short term. Those who are recovering from eye surgery or a concussion might need to reduce their screen brightness to avoid eyestrain, as would users who misplaced their prescription eyeglasses.

Each year, Web Accessibility in Mind (WebAIM) analyzes the homepages of the top 1 million websites for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 failures. Examples of failures include inappropriate alternate text on images, poor text contrast and too many navigational links. Here are the failure rates over the past four years:

  • 2020: 97.8% detected failures
  • 2021: 97.4% detected failures
  • 2022: 96.8% detected failures
  • 2023: 96.3% detected failures

In short, the results are disappointing. Since 2020, homepages that have detectable WCAG failures have improved by only 1.5%! To make matters worse, it’s estimated that 1 in 4 Americans is disabled.

With so many people affected, brands that aren’t inclusive and accessible are making a costly mistake. They’re missing out on capturing market share for this large customer base. Most importantly, they’re risking legal action. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design, disabled consumers can seek financial compensation from businesses that don’t provide accessible digital content.

Making a website ADA-complaint may seem like a daunting task. In reality, it requires a small shift in the way companies think about their website presence. Meanwhile, when developing a new site, it’s crucial to build through an ADA lens. Things to consider include:

  • Colors and font sizes for legibility
  • Alternative text for screen readers
  • Keyboard navigation for people who can’t use a mouse
  • Accessibility tools that allow users to set their own accessibility profiles, including content, color and orientation adjustments

This may seem onerous, but the extra time and planning is worth it when everyone  can enjoy visiting websites, regardless of their abilities.

4. Content diversification

You know the saying: Content is king. But this is too simple for marketers who want to build a great content strategy. Those who excel diversify their content.

Content diversification involves using a wide range of topics and formats. Marketers who diversify also distribute and amplify that content via various channels. Diversified content marketing campaigns increase audience engagement, build trust and enhance credibility. As a result, the more diverse campaigns are, the more likely they’ll attract audiences and keep them coming back for more.

Content diversification aligns well with the complex B2B buying journey. B2B buyers expect varied information at different stages of their decision-making processes. They want diverse content that educates, informs, engages and motivates them. Similarly, they appreciate brands that cater to their unique learning styles. Therefore, B2B companies that can guide clients through this journey will stand out from the pack.

Content marketing diversification forces B2B businesses to look at the types of content they produce, their delivery channels and appropriate content formats. A diversified content strategy may include:

  • Live question-and-answer sessions on a webinar or livestream
  • Written insights that explore industry trends
  • Interactive online demo/training sessions

Content marketing diversification promotes a sense of community. In this environment, clients can find what they’re looking for, such as:

  • Relevant insights
  • Answers to technical questions
  • Shared experiences
  • Connections with their industry peers

To sum up, diversification transforms content from an ordinary marketing tool into a platform for engagement and discussion.

5. B2B customer advocacy

Customer advocacy has a firm footing in B2B marketing. Happy customers willingly share their positive experiences and promote brands’ products and services in a genuine way.

This evolution is in line with how B2B buyers view business relationships. They want to work with like-minded people at companies that have similar values. Advocacy is inspiring the B2B sector to form authentic ties with customers and nurture them to become fierce brand champions. Brands that engage in customer advocacy:

  • Expand their reach
  • Gain quality referrals
  • Drive revenue growth
  • Create authentic content
  • Develop long-term relationships
  • Boost customer retention
  • Enhance brand loyalty
  • Get insightful feedback

Brand advocates can support marketing initiatives by:

  • Promoting B2B businesses and engaging with prospects on social media
  • Sharing how happy they are with brands via testimonials
  • Showcasing their experiences in B2B case studies
  • Answering prospective customers’ questions in one-on-one reference calls
  • Helping to shape product development by serving on customer advisory boards

Endorsements from customer advocates are golden in B2B marketing. Prospects want to know how industry peers have benefited. Moreover, brands differentiate themselves by sharing customers’ positive experiences and strong outcomes.

In conclusion, the landscape of B2B digital marketing is dynamic and ever-changing. The trends highlighted here reflect a broader shift in the way B2B companies connect with and engage buyers, and build relationships with them. Understanding and implementing these top five B2B digital marketing trends will put you in front of the pack in 2024 and beyond.