Manufacturing / Logistics
BWAY Corp.
Targeted, segmented marketing helps BWAY connect with new markets
BWAY (now Mauser Packaging Solutions) is one of the largest manufacturers of rigid metal, plastic and hybrid containers in North America. The packaging giant’s core customer base was historically industrial. BWAY needed to break into the highly competitive consumer market to grow. When the company’s sales reps called consumer brand prospects, they hit a wall.
"Why are you calling me?"
prospects often asked. “I checked out your website and you can’t help me.”
BWAY had major successes in consumer packaging, but these results were lost with its dated industrial-focused brand.
Senior leaders were nervous about alienating core industrial customers with a new consumer-focused vertical.
The out-of-date brand didn't showcase BWAY as a packaging giant.
Speaking to two customer audiences who have different pain points and needs is no small feat. To be successful, we knew we had to get the messaging right. It would be the foundation of our yearlong branding and segmented marketing initiatives.

When talking with BWAY’s leaders, we heard a common theme:
The company’s products were all around us.
We began picking up plastic and metal packaging on store shelves and at home, looking for the BWAY logo.
BWAY was everywhere, inspiring the tagline, “We’re everywhere you are.”
Next steps included BWAY team interviews. We conducted survey-based branding and messaging analyses with key staff and leadership. We included third-party research and reviewed analytics that compared the BWAY brand to competitors. Through these initiatives, we developed messaging that tied the tagline to BWAY’s corporate, consumer and industrial audiences.

The messaging became the foundation of a strong, cohesive brand that tied all the elements of BWAY together and positioned the company as forward-thinking and mission-driven – the kind of place where marquee consumer and industrial customers want to bring their business.