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A woman sharing good news represents how customer advocates can help boost your sales through word-of-mouth.

Customer Advocates Ignite Your Brand’s Success

If your brand wants an unbeatable advantage that will boost your sales, marketing and customer experience, build a strong customer advocacy program. Every brand – no matter how big or small – will benefit from having advocates. What is customer advocacy? Customer advocacy is about building authentic, strong relationships with

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Chess pieces represent how content marketing crushes cold calling.

How B2B Content Marketing Crushes Cold Calling

Business-to-business (B2B) content marketing crushes cold calling when it’s done well. I emphasize that point because crappy content marketing won’t get you anywhere. True cold calling probably won’t either, because it’s not based on problem-solving. It’s a fishing expedition to sell products and services. When I started working in corporate

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Top 4 Tips to Align Sales and Marketing

If you want to stay competitive in today’s digital world, your companies’ sales and marketing teams must work together. However, many companies struggle to reach this utopian vision. Why? First let’s explore each team’s function: Marketers are all about building brand awareness and generating leads. Salespeople turn that brand awareness

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Does Your Website Have a Good Conversion Rate?

Do you want to improve lead generation on your company’s website? If that’s one of your goals, look at your website’s conversion rate. This metric refers to the percentage of website visitors who complete a specific goal. The two types of website conversions are: Micro-conversions A micro-conversion is when you

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5 white eggs: image on 5 Questions for Content Marketers

5 Questions Every Content Marketer Must Answer

Questions for content marketers have changed. Back in the day, marketers focused completely on inbound marketing. They invested their marketing dollars into developing engaging content. They waited for potential clients to discover said content and hire them. Seems too easy, right?  Reality check: “Build it and they will come” doesn’t

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