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A row of stars represents the importance of customer feedback and managing your B2B brand's reputation.

Ignoring Customer Feedback Can Sink Your Brand’s Reputation

B2B buyers want to see customer feedback about your brand before they invest in your products and services. Reviews help them make informed decisions before they commit. B2B purchases can involve large financial commitments. Thus, it stands to reason buyers conduct independent research. They want to know if your solutions

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A pedestrian stop signal on a traffic light represents the B2B content killers that can prevent engagement.

Do You Know What’s Killing Your B2B Content?

When it comes to B2B content, we’ve all been there. You wrote what you thought was your best blog post or case study. Maybe you put the finishing touches on your new website. You were proud of your work. And then someone dumped all over it. The red sea of

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Power Up Your B2B Content With Trustworthy Stats

Including statistics in your B2B content can help convince buyers that your brand is a trustworthy source for information. It shows that your business is committed to providing accurate and reliable content. But it’s only effective if you use statistics responsibly. By using statistics responsibly, you’ll: Build buyer trust Enhance

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A fishing pole represents the challenge of fishing for strong headlines.

Hook Them In: How to Create Powerful B2B Headlines

Powerful B2B headlines entice readers to engage with your content. Whether you’re creating content for your website, customer advocacy programs, videos, case studies or social media channels, solid titles pull your audience in. The problem is they’re not easy to write. And with so much B2B marketing content available online,

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An image of a smiling woman represents the good impression that B2B case studies can make on buyers.

Proven Approaches for B2B Case Studies (With Examples)

B2B case studies are among the most valuable forms of marketing for buyers. When researching prospective purchases, they want to know what problems your business solved for other customers and the positive results. Case studies show them that they can achieve similar outcomes. Trust is key in B2B buyers’ decision-making.

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A bird on a tree stump represents how grammar can stymie everyone.

Are You ‘Continually’ Stumped ‘Continuously’?

Two simple adverbs trip me up every time. Whether I’m writing or editing content, I have to look them up: continually and continuously. They have such close meanings, but they’re not interchangeable. It seems I’m not alone, as I continually find incorrect usage in a variety of content. Do you

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Crack the Code of That Versus Which in Writing

One of the most common mistakes I see among new and veteran writers is using “that” and “which” incorrectly. Don’t feel bad if you don’t know when each is called for or why they’re not interchangeable. Grammar isn’t in everyone’s wheelhouse. Essential clauses The first step is to grasp essential

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A handshake represents working with subject experts.

How to Work with Subject Experts and Boost Brand Trust

Buyers want and need to trust brands more than ever before. They’re educating themselves and researching online before they buy. Trust is among the top three reasons that drive purchasing decisions, according to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. Fifty-nine percent of survey respondents said they’re more likely to buy from

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A photo of a woman being interviewed represents how customer advocacy programs help drive content.

Fuel Business Growth and Content with Advocacy Programs

Top B2B brands know customer advocacy is the ultimate way to retain customers, win buyers’ hearts and minds and grow their businesses. Brands prioritize advocacy because it works. It’s not unusual for businesses to have strong customer connections. Advocacy programs take these relationships a step further. They turn loyal customers

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This image represents how B2B trade show participation is making a comeback for 2024.

In-Person B2B Trade Shows Rebuild Momentum

If you’re planning to attend a B2B trade show this year, you’ll likely have a lot of company. The industry is coming back after pandemic shutdowns and lackluster attendance, data shows. In-person business-to-business (B2B) shows in the U.S. are recovering from their pre-pandemic levels as exhibitors and attendees are eager

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