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A picture of an AI hand represents potential copyright challenges with generative AI platforms.

Generative AI and Copyright: Legal Concerns for Businesses

Generative artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT and Bard, may be angst-inducing for some people. The speed at which the technology is advancing and “learning” is key. More than one person has imagined machines turning on their creators. Businesses that use and create content have more immediate and less dystopian

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Who Do You Think You’re Talking To?

Before I followed my passion and made content marketing my career, I took time off after college. I had to get my head together and mature a bit. Many of my friends did the same. Their activities included backpacking in Asia and working on a fishing boat in Alaska. In

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Balance Readability and Complexity in Marketing Content

In George Orwell’s “1984,” the Party had several ways of ensuring conformity. The Party limited independent thinking and banished forbidden thoughts and actions. Deleted images and stories landed in the “memory hole.” And of course, Big Brother was watching you. But “Newspeak” was the central initiative through which these original

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Symbol for hyperbole: Image of an owl's wise eyes telling you not to use hyperbolic puffery.

The Most Important Blog Post You’ll Ever Read

I want to discuss the most important subject to arise in the history of Western society. Naturally, I know of what I speak. I’m the foremost and most highly trained expert on the issue. I have knowledge and insights unmatched by anyone on the globe. Don’t fail to heed my

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Printing blocks spell "Adventure" image on web copy blunder: beware of J Peterman Syndrome

Web Copy Blunder: ‘J. Peterman’ Syndrome

Does writing web copy sometimes remind you of those “choose your own adventure” books from your childhood? In these books, you could turn to page “x” if you wanted the protagonist to go down the staircase into the dark and foreboding basement. Alternatively, you could turn to page “y” if

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Image of coffee splattering out of a cup - Fool me once – shame I won’t be visiting your website again

Fool Me Once – I Won’t Be Visiting Your Website Again

April Fools’ Day is this Friday. This is perhaps the only date on the calendar when benign cruelty is celebrated, apart from Black Friday. One of the most effective April Fools’ jokes my daughters played on me preyed on my pre-first-cup-of-coffee state. I stumbled into the kitchen, making a beeline

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